Tower Of Generations
公開日 | サーバー人数 | ジャンル |
2021-05-22 | 30 | 戦略 |
満足度 | お気に入り | 訪問者数 |
92% | 111,929 | 46,200,000 |
👾 Undertale/Deltaruneに基づくタワーディフェンスゲーム
🔪 UTTDでは、地下のモンスターと戦い、基地をさまざまな敵の波から守り、新しいモンスターを募集して、より困難なゾーンに進みます。
💀 各モンスターには独自の攻撃とステータスがあり、いくつかはレベルアップすると特別な能力を獲得します
🤍 あなたのキャラクターには、魂のタイプに応じて異なるスキルツリーがあり、プレイスタイルを改善し、より強くなるためにアップグレードできます。
🎊 毎日プレイすると、毎日の報酬が授与されますので、それらを集めるために頻繁に来るべきです!
[ 📜 ]スクリプター/アニメーター: (Parbott) [ 📜 ]
[ 🔨 ]ビルダー/3Dモデラー: (danivalram) [ 🔨 ]
👾A tower defense game based off Undertale/Deltarune
🔪In UTTD you will fight with and against monsters from the underground with the objective of defending your base from various waves of enemies and recruiting new monsters to advance to harder zones
💀Each monster has its own attacks and stats and some of them will acquire special abilities when leveled up
🤍Your character has a different skill tree depending on the type of your soul, which you can upgrade to improve your playstyle and become stronger
✨You can meet new people at the Lobby and make strategies with them to take on the different areas from the underground, as well as recruiting new monsters at the Tem Shop
🎊Every day you play you will be awarded with a daily reward, so you should come around frequently to gather them!
Join our community if you want to know about the news and updates of the game!
[📜] Scripter/Animator: (Parbott) [📜]
[🔨] Builder/3D Modeler: (danivalram) [🔨]