公開日 | サーバー人数 | ジャンル |
2021-01-24 | 50 | 戦略 |
満足度 | お気に入り | 訪問者数 |
88% | 43,973 | 7,800,000 |
Visionary Squadは、タワーディフェンスの要素と第1人称能力シューティングを組み合わせたエキサイティングなウェーブディフェンスゲームです。Visionitesに参加して、さまざまな敵とアクションでいっぱいの戦闘に参加するか、Visionaryになり、戦略的なスキルを使用してVisionitesをアップグレード、サポートし、勝利に導くことができます。
最新バージョン: 2.8.3
Visionary Squad is a thrilling wave defense game that combines elements of tower defense with first person ability shooters. Join the Visionites and engage in action-packed combat against a variety of enemies, or become the Visionary and use your strategic skills to upgrade, support, and guide the Visionites to victory.
Fight on a variety of maps and play as 28 different characters, each with unique abilities. Play Classic mode and face hordes of enemies and defeat powerful bosses, or play Mission mode and immerse yourself in the lore of the Visionary Squad!
In short, it's like a tower defense but you are either the towers or the one upgrading them.
Premium players earn 10% more cash and XP
Latest Version: 2.8.3