🌸┃ Vibe Place (ORIGINAL)
公開日 | サーバー人数 | ジャンル |
2020-08-23 | 20 | 社交 |
満足度 | お気に入り | 訪問者数 |
83% | 451,790 | 137,900,000 |
- 新しい人と遊びましょう!
- 服を試着/購入
- 100以上のアニメーション
- 50曲以上
💬 コマンド 💬
/AFK または /unAFK
- /ヘッドレスまたは/アンヘッドレス - /korblox
- プレイヤーユーザー /leavesync と unsyc に /sync [ユーザー名] を使用して同期する
- シフトでスプリント
🔔 お気に入りや「いいね」ボタンを押す!
💰 寄付は高く評価されています <3
グループに参加してキュートなチャットタグを手に入れよう: https://www.roblox.com/groups/8332803/Lele-Vibe#!/about
タグ: Vibe, Hangout, Retro, Vaporwave, Chill, SadVibes, Nation, Edgy, Aesthetic, Grunge, Gothic, Outfit , NYC, Vibe Room, Vibe Place, Vibe Pool, Vibe Cuddles, Chill, SadVibes, Nation, Edgy, Aesthetic, Grunge, Gothic, Vibe Plane, Vibe Train, Bathroom, Catalog Dance Animations Mocap Animation Fun TT3 TT Dances Vibe Hangout korblox headless catalogue outfit, donate
🌙 Vibe Place 🌙
- Voice Chat only servers
- Hang out with new people!
- Try/Buy clothes
- 100+ Animations
- 50+ Songs
💬 Commands 💬
- /AFK or /unAFK
- /Headless or /unheadless - /korblox
- To sync use /sync [username] to unsyc with a player user /leavesync
- Press = to enable/disable ragdoll
- Shift to sprint
🔔 Hit the favourite and like button!
💰 Donations are much appreciated <3
Join our group to get the cuties chat tag: https://www.roblox.com/groups/8332803/Lele-Vibe#!/about
Some of the assets in game do not belong to me, credit to the owners!
TAGS: Vibe, Hangout, Retro, Vaporwave, Chill, SadVibes, Nation, Edgy, Aesthetic, Grunge, Gothic, Outfit , NYC, Vibe Room, Vibe Place, Vibe Pool, Vibe Cuddles, Chill, SadVibes, Nation, Edgy, Aesthetic, Grunge, Gothic, Vibe Plane, Vibe Train, Bathroom, Catalog Dance Animations Mocap Animation Fun TT3 TT Dances Vibe Hangout Hang out korblox headless catalog outfit, donate