ダフード 🦆
Da Hood Entertainment
公開日 | サーバー人数 | ジャンル |
2019-01-27 | 40 | アクション |
満足度 | お気に入り | 訪問者数 |
66% | 2,973,262 | 2,700,000,000 |
警察官: 警察官に加わるには、警察署に行こう。手錠なしで誰かを処刑すれば、自動的にクビになる。代わりに手錠を使う。
銃の保存 - しかし、死亡またはKO時、または0発の弾薬でロギングすることができます。
A difficult game, read below for tips.
Account has to be at least 10 days to play.
You can weave 100% if you time at the right time when blocking. To gain muscle buy weights at fitness.
Eat lettuce to reduce muscle.
Cop: To join cops go to the police station, if you execute anyone without cuffs you'll be automatically kicked off. Use cuffs instead.
Criminals: Ransack banks and several others small time shops in order to gain wanted or cash.
Gun saves - however, can be lost by death, or logging when KO, or 0 ammo.
Cash drop takes 30%