
Emergency Response: Liberty County

Police Roleplay Community

Emergency Response: Liberty County

🚔 犯罪者を追いかけ、市民を救出し、ストリートを駆け抜け、リバティー郡で名を上げよう!

🌲 スプリングマップ - 雪が溶けて芝生が青々としています!天気を楽しもう!
📣 LEO車両用PAシステム - ボイスチャットと録音されたサウンドを使って、車両からメッセージを放送しよう!
🚘 車の売却 - カーディーラーのアニーやリッキーに車の売却について相談しよう!
新しいLEO武器 - M&P9とM&P15が追加されました!


🚔 Chase criminals, rescue civilians, race through the streets, and make a name for yourself in Liberty County!

🌲 Spring Map - Snow has melted and the grass is green! Enjoy the weather!
📣 PA System for LEO Vehicles - Use voice chat and pre-recorded sounds to broadcast messages from your vehicle!
🚘 Sell Your Vehicles - Speak to Annie or Ricky at Car Dealership about selling your vehicle!
🔫 New LEO Weapons - M&P 9 and M&P 15 have been added for law enforcement!
And more new content!

Emergency Response: Liberty County is an emergency services simulation game. Play as a Civilian, criminal, transportation worker, police officer, sheriff deputy, or firefighter! On the civilian team, work jobs from a farmer to a hospital worker. Police, fire, and DOT roleplay simulator.