公開日 | サーバー人数 | ジャンル |
2024-06-29 | 12 | パーティ系・カジュアル |
満足度 | お気に入り | 訪問者数 |
78% | 7,904 | 3,600,000 |
注: ゲームは現在最も初期の状態にあるので、バグや不具合が予想されます!
Games Galoreへようこそ。RPGとミニゲームに焦点を当てた経験で、あなたとあなたの友人を驚かせてくれる高オクタンなゲームプレイが含まれています。
Games Galoreは20以上のユニークなゲームモード、40以上の素晴らしいデザインのマップ、そして広範囲のOSTの中にたくさんの曲を誇っています。(BSlickの「Games Galore」アルバムのSpotifyで見つけることができます)
Note: Game is currently in its earliest state, so bugs and imperfections are to be expected!
Welcome to Games Galore, an RPG & minigames-focused experience that contains high-octane gameplay that is sure to leave you and your friends amazed.
Games Galore boasts a whopping 20+ unique game modes, 40+ stunningly designed maps, and a plethora of songs within it's extensive OST. (Which can be found in Spotify on BSlick's "Games Galore" albums)
Using the last of your savings, you leave the big city in favor of Kantia, having kept just enough for a bus ticket, an apartment, and an ACYL residency tour.
Explore and witness the daily life that the town and it's residents have to offer, every shop and location being filled with continuous intrigue, and mysteries lurking underneath...