
🏔️ 遠征ルバサ

Arbastro Labs

🏔️ 遠征ルバサ

⛰️🚩 コーストマウンテンとアラスカパンジュルの広大な荒野の中で、致命的な障害物とトラップでいっぱいのエキサイティングな旅に出かけましょう。友達とチームを組むか、一人で道を挑戦するかにかかわらず、あなたの目標は、米国税関と国境警備局のチェックポイントで撃たれに脆弱な遠隔アラスカの村バルデスに到達することです。🚩⛰️



🔥Arbastro Labsが制作し、Arbastroがデジタルで配布しています。
🔥 南極探検隊に深くインスパイアされました。



⛰️🚩 Embark on a thrilling journey amidst the vast wilderness of the Coast Mountains and Alaskan Panhandle, filled with deadly obstacles and traps. Whether you're teaming up with friends or braving the path alone, your goal is to reach the remote Alaskan village of Valdez vulnerable to being shot at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection checkpoint. 🚩⛰️

💪Thousands have tried, thousands have died, and only a few have completed it. Every step could be your last step, and only the most tenacious prevail. Will you be the next daring hiker to take on North America's most dangerous trail?

❗Join our GROUP and COMMUNICATIONS SERVER to unlock FREE perks in the game (e.g. Night Vision, etc)!

🔥 Produced and digitally distributed by Arbastro Labs, by Arbastro.
🔥 Deeply inspired by Expedition Antarctica.

💡TIP: Invite your friends to have an especially fun experience!

🏷️TAGS: mountain, trail, hike, antarctica, alaska, canada, adventure, expedition, nature, peaceful