デッド・レコーニング [RP]
- Clueless Studios
公開日 | サーバー人数 | ジャンル |
2023-11-13 | 125 | ロールプレイ・アバターシミュレーション |
満足度 | お気に入り | 訪問者数 |
85% | 19,813 | 2,100,000 |
Don't fear the Reaper.
Sierra County, Washington state. May 1984; half a year since the outbreak of SAWD-83, otherwise known as the Affliction. The National Guard have since abandoned their outpost in Sierra; everyone inside has been left stranded as the government attempts to prevent further spread.
After a several month long blizzard -- going down in human history as the worst of its kind, the storm finally gives way as spring subsides and summer begins.
This is a character driven RP game. No weapons deal damage.