Delta Worlds RPG [W5 ACT 1]
公開日 | サーバー人数 | ジャンル |
2023-10-14 | 5 | RPG |
満足度 | お気に入り | 訪問者数 |
79% | 46,713 | 4,900,000 |
Public-Alpha V PA 4.7 World 5 ACT 1 リリース!
Deltaruneを想像してください、しかしRobloxiaは存在します、あなたの友人はShopkeeperです、そして彼の助けであなたはRoaring KnightとRoaring Titansを止めました、光と闇のバランスは回復しました、しかし...
Undertale, Undertale バトルシステム, Deltarune, RPG, ストーリーゲーム, Roblox Undertale ストーリーゲーム Deltablox.
Public-Alpha V PA 4.7 World 5 ACT 1 Release!
This game is UNDERTALE/DELTARUNE Fan-game. It includes: Fully 2D Undertale Turn-Based RPG Battle System, 3D Overworld, Story, Secrets and more! (it's NOT UTMM)
We highly recommend playing UNDERTALE or DELTARUNE before this game to better understand the battle mechanics.
Imagine Deltarune, but Robloxia exist, Your friend is Shopkeeper and with his help You stopped Roaring Knight and Roaring Titans, the balance of LIGHT and DARK was restored, but...
New type of WORLDS appeared.
After some time, these WORLDS started to shatter the harmony of other worlds.
Three heroes aren't there, so the only hope is YOU!
This game is a sequel to Delta Warriors.
Credits are in SETTINGS (in-experience)
Undertale, Undertale battle system, Deltarune, RPG, story game, Roblox Undertale story game Deltablox.
This game is not ideal, there are other cool games to respect too!