タイトルなしタグゲーム [Recode]
公開日 | サーバー人数 | ジャンル |
2023-07-13 | 40 | アクション |
満足度 | お気に入り | 訪問者数 |
91% | 573,494 | 235,400,000 |
高度な動きでタグのバリエーションをプレイし、登り、滑り、転がり、 Vaulting、スイングなど!
[W] - 走る
[B] - ショップ
[N] - インベントリ
[G] - エモート
[Q] - メニュー
遊んでくれてありがとう! <3
play variations of tag with advanced movement, such as climbing, sliding, rolling, vaulting, swinging, and more!
untitled tag game is a nostalgic parkour tag game inspired by roblox brickbattle games & other classics.
this game is a remake and continuation of it's legacy counterpart, all made from scratch.
join the communications server for updates!
make sure to like and favorite the game!
[W] - run
[LMB] - tag
[B] - shop
[N] - inventory
[G] - emote
[Q] - menu
thank you for playing! <3