
[17+] 降雪 [ ⛄ ]

Kazahana Studios

[17+] 降雪 [ ⛄ ]

❄️Snowfall❄️ - 交流したり、友達を作ったり、リラックスした曲を楽しんだりできる、わずかな建物のある雪の島。
📗 /ˈnow-fall📘 (名詞) 雪の降ること。一定時間内に一定地域内に降る雪の量。
AntrixDoesStuff: コーダー兼アニメーター
MasterOfStocks: ビルダー兼シェアホルダー
⚠️Maximum Graphics 推奨⚠️
PC -コンソール -電話 -タブレット -VR
tags: vibe, vibe game, vibe place, hangout, social hangout, hangout game, chill, snow, snow game, snowfall, snowfall game, winter, winter game, winter time, park, lgbt, lgbtq, ministop, japan, japanese, japanese game, citypop, aesthetic, relax, secret, food, picnic, voice chat, vc, voice chat, vr, vr game, hangout, hangout game, mic up, rp, roleplay, piano, jazz

❄️Snowfall❄️ - A snowy island with a handful of buildings where you can socialize, make friends, and enjoy relaxing tunes.
📗snow·fall📘 /ˈsnōˌfôl/ (noun) a fall of snow. the quantity of snow falling within a given area in a given time.
AntrixDoesStuff: Coder and Animator
Myushino: Builder and Art Director
MasterOfStocks: Builder and Share Holder
⚠️Maximum Graphics Recommended⚠️
💻 Available on :📱 -PC -Console -Phone -Tablet -VR
👥Join our Group!👥
tags: vibe, vibe game, vibe place, hangout, social hangout, hangout game, chill, snow, snow game, snowfall, snowfall game, winter, winter game, winter time, park, lgbt, lgbtq, ministop, japan, japanese, japanese game, citypop, aesthetic, relax, secret, food, picnic, voice chat, vc, voice chat, vr, vr game, hangout, hangout game, mic up, rp, roleplay, piano, jazz