[レンガ] スキルベースのボス戦
公開日 | サーバー人数 | ジャンル |
2023-02-14 | 50 | アクション |
満足度 | お気に入り | 訪問者数 |
72% | 38,383 | 25,800,000 |
- レンガクラスを追加しました。レンガバトラーを倒すと報酬がもらえます。
- ゲームは困難で、モバイルデバイスには推奨されません。
- [Z] [X]はクラスの能力、[C]と[V]は他のクラスの追加。
- [Q] [E]をダッシュする。
- アニメーション:zombiemanted2
アイコン: AVCOIL5 + Therenoss
- 音楽: HydroSpectre
- モデル:MechaMage123、A40OverHeaven、CyanTheInfGod。
グループ: https://www.roblox.com/groups/17118615
スキンを購入: https://www.roblox.com/games/13354864786
Welcome to Skill Based Boss Fights, where you select your own class and fight against other bosses with players. Unlock new classes, skins, and rewards as you go along, and become the most skill based player of all time.
- Added the Brick class, which is rewarded after you beat Brickbattler.
- The game is difficult, and the game is not recommended for mobile devices.
- [Z] [X] for class abilities, [C] and [V] extra for other classes.
- [Q] [E] to dash.
- Animations: zombiemanted2
- Icons: AVCOIL5 + Therenoss
- Some music: HydroSpectre
- Models: MechaMage123, A40OverHeaven, CyanTheInfGod.
- Scripting: EvanTheEevee543, Fouthgy
Some icons are from the game-icons website.
Thank you to our testers for ensuring a quality experience.
Group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/17118615
Buy Skins: https://www.roblox.com/games/13354864786