公開日 | サーバー人数 | ジャンル |
2023-01-29 | 15 | サバイバル |
満足度 | お気に入り | 訪問者数 |
80% | 9,007 | 2,700,000 |
Fundamental Paper Education VVED(Very Very Early Development)は、FPEゲームを作るのは難しくないということを証明するために、基本的なシステムを1週間で作ったFPEゲームです :D
- Eはドアの開閉
- Fで先生の攻撃をブロック(クールダウン)
- Shiftで走る(スタミナバー)
タグファンダメンタル・ペーパー・エデュケーション, FPE, MissCircle, Paper, 3DMorphs
Fundamental Paper Education VVED(Very Very Early Development) is an FPE game, with a basic system made under 1 week, to prove, that its not dificult to make an FPE game :D
- E to open/close doors
- F to block the teachers attack (cooldown)
- Shift to run (stamina bar)
The gameplay is simple:
3 teachers will spawn in their rooms, and the teachers goal is to kill all failing students.
And as a student, your goal is to survive the night, with the help of the tool and ability.
Tags: Fundamental Paper Education, FPE, MissCircle, Paper, 3DMorphs