ROBLOX | Recommended Action Games (3296Title)

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🍀ST PATRICKS | Bubble Gum Champions Reborn

🍀ST PATRICKS | Bubble Gum Champions Reborn

✨Welcome to Bubble Gum Champions Reborn! 🍀Use Code OpForHatching🍀 🫧Blow Bubbles 🥚Open Eggs 🐶Discover Pets 🏝️Unlock Islands 🤝Trade Items 😈Complete Ascensions 🏆Become The Best Of The Best 🗓️WEEKLY UPDATES! - Inspired by Bubble Gum Simulator - Big Thanks To Stampeyd For The Temp Icon - Thanks To Bubble Gum Champions

Good 77%
Favorites 67
Visits 20,925
Created 2024-02-08
Updated 2024-03-10
Server Size 12
Genre Action

Towerlands [New]

Towerlands [New]

ゾンビの波と戦って、自分自身とチームを防衛しましょう!タワーランドは、3つのゲームモードと多くのマップを備えたタワーディフェンスゲームです。ショップにロック解除できるタワーを配置して、より多くのゲームで勝利し、より強い敵と戦うことができます。 友達をパーティーに招待することで、友達と一緒にプレイできます。 プレミアムユーザーは1日あたり50%以上のコインを獲得します。 グループに参加して$125スタートキャッシュを受け取る! 🛠️ | このゲームはまだ開発中です!バグや不完全な機能がある可能性があります。 👍 | 親指を上げるのを検討してください!それは開発者がより多くの品質アップデートを公開することを奨励します。

Good 85%
Favorites 1,175
Visits 89,100
Created 2023-07-09
Updated 2024-04-29
Server Size 100
Genre Action

[NEW] Admin guns! (100)

[NEW] Admin guns! (100)

Updates every "find it Friday" UPDATE! 🔫 1 NEW GUN pretty much like a "find the" game, except you find admin guns that all have unique admin powers!!! Basically free admin WARNING: this game is about having fun and trolling a little, so please dont rage too much :D

Good 71%
Favorites 69,264
Visits 19,130,068
Created 2022-04-30
Updated 2023-08-04
Server Size 30
Genre Action

💥 GUNS | FreshGoods Superstore

💥 GUNS | FreshGoods Superstore

Welcome to FreshGoods Superstore, this version of the map is quite new. Please do expect regular shutdowns for important updates. We hope you enjoy your time playing with us. Furthermore we offer a points card to all current group members, use this card to get lower prices! Save money, live better. Tags: Shop | roleplay | supermarket | rp | technology | coffee | cafe Asda, Asdablox, Sainsbury's, Roblox Shopping, Store, Lidl, Market, Grocery, Shop, M&S, Fire Alarms, Security, Store Colleague, Management, Admin, Music, Fun, Roleplay, PRIME, KSI, Logan Paul, Prime Hydration, Pime Sticks, Prime Energy.

Good 63%
Favorites 866
Visits 167,658
Created 2022-06-23
Updated 2024-01-02
Server Size 80
Genre Action

[❓X2+X3💰] Anime Gods Simulator

[❓X2+X3💰] Anime Gods Simulator

⭐ Open stars to get champions! ⭐ ⚔️ Slay enemies to get swords and yen! ⚔️ ✅ Equip your swords to your champions to make them stronger! ✅ ⚡️Unlock zones to increase your gains and become stronger!⚡️ 🔮Enchant your swords to become better!🔮 👍 New code at 15,000 likes! 👍 Update 5.1: - Enchant max lvl increase - x3 Yen and x2 Secrets! - Secret Swords buffed - SECRET CHAMPS + 5M VISITS - SECRET CHAMPIONS! World4+ - PITY SYSTEM! - New HARD Trial! - TRIAL SHOP! - XP REWORK - ENCHANTS BUFFED AND CHEAPER - New Relic Equip Gamepass - New Trial Shards Gamepass - Bugfixes - & way more! Use codes update5, likes10k and visits5m ! ⚔️ Anime Gods Simulator ⚔️

Good 93%
Favorites 22,859
Visits 8,334,481
Created 2023-02-06
Updated 2023-11-05
Server Size 8
Genre Action

Preppy Avatar Outfits

Preppy Avatar Outfits

🌴 Try on any outfits or catalog items for free. Shop & Search to have the best avatar or matching avatars on the Roblox Catalog! 🤩 Browse thru the catalog to create your dream outfit, save all outfits to use later in-game! 🪄 Clicking on an outfit will allow you to try on, purchase or favorite the outfit. ⭐ Leave a like if you enjoyed the game, favorite and share with your friends! ⭐ 💾 Saving outfits allows more outfit storage and can be uploaded to roblox! 🛒🛍️ Any purchase made in-game will stay in your Roblox Inventory & can be used in all games.🏄‍♀️💓

Good 76%
Favorites 4,583
Visits 2,154,503
Created 2023-07-17
Updated 2023-11-24
Server Size 20
Genre Action

[RELEASE] Anime RNG Battlegrounds

[RELEASE] Anime RNG Battlegrounds

.gg/animerngbattlegrounds <- Welcome to the first anime RNG game merging battlegrounds and parkour to create the ultimate Roblox anime experience. ⚔️ -> Auras With Move sets: Itachi, Vegeta, Aizen Code every 500 Likes! Active codes: "Release!" "BossStudio" "datafix" "sorryforallshutdown" "shutdownagainsorry" "tyfor500favs" "tyfor1000favs" "tyfor1500favs" - Unlock the rarest auras! 💫 - Fight and conquer your enemies! 👑🎖️ - Test your luck against the greatest of odds! 🍀🎲 - Use your parkour skills to maneuver among the steepest of falls! 🏔️🥷 - Join the group for insane rewards!/about 🪙 Follow The Boss Studios socials for free rewards every milestone! 🎉 [The game is in BETA report bugs to our linked server]

Good 82%
Favorites 1,915
Visits 51,600
Created 2024-04-05
Updated 2024-05-14
Server Size 25
Genre Action

Don't Make The Button Angry👿


LIKE👍 - FAVORITE💗 the game for more updates! 📌 Welcome to Don't Make The Button Angry👿 There is a happy button in the middle of nowhere. Your rule is to dont press it! What chaos can the button cause? Play to find out! ⛏️ [12/24] UPDATE 📌 - CODES! 🐦 - NEW MAP! 🗺 - JUMPSCARE ALL! 😲 -winter map 📌CODES: XMAS2022 ✉️ I always update the game frequently, make sure to check often so you don't miss something. Follow the game to be notified about any update we release.

Good 59%
Favorites 57,865
Visits 85,585,344
Created 2021-08-30
Updated 2023-06-20
Server Size 10
Genre Action

One Punch Hero

One Punch Hero

Become the strongest by defeating strong enemies, completing quests, and training with friends! Thanks for 14k likes! Use code "14kokok" for 3 lucky draws and 350Tokens. Trading UPDATE! Use code "TRADING" for two hours of x2 EXP and 750Tokens. Next code at 15k likes. Weekend boost: x2 Drop Rates, x2 Yen, 30% more Experience. Current classes in the game: Cyborg, Metal Bat, Lightning Max, Martial Artist, Ninja, Esper, Beros, Blast, and Superhuman FAQ: Find trainers around the map or summon one to unlock new classes Trainers spawn around the map every hour Talk to the Trainer Summon NPC to spin for a random class PC Controls: [F] - Block [E] - Interact [M] - Menu [N] - Map [Q + WASD] - Dash [CTRL] - Sprint Toggle

Good 93%
Favorites 23,536
Visits 3,261,444
Created 2022-07-02
Updated 2023-11-05
Server Size 1
Genre Action