
[Pre-Alpha] Conquest 2

Conquest: Community

[Pre-Alpha] Conquest 2
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Conquest 2 is a real time strategy (RTS) game based on the napoleonic era, inspired by Napoleon Total War and succesor to the original game, Conquest. Command you armies along with your teammates, destroy your enemies and get the victory!

By playing this, you acknowledge that this is far from the intended release version.

R = Rotate units
Z = Show units range
C = halt selected units
Q = select all the units
E = deselect all selected units
Press left control = see all the units goals positions without having them selected
Hold control and click on an unit = select units without deselect.
Hold T + click = move units into a line automatically
Hold shift and click = move all the selected units in formation rather than all to the same place
Hold shift and click a unit = selecting all the units of the same type
Hold shift and press a number = select all units of the same type

Double tap and hold = dragging to select multiple units at once