
Dummies vs Noobs


Dummies vs Noobs
CreatedServer SizeGenre

Defend Dummykind's last stronghold against the Noob hordes...

Dummies vs Noobs is a wave-based cooperative shooter that puts you in a squad of 8, against a seemingly endless horde of noobs that utilize modern and near-future weaponry. Adapt your weapons, fine tune your tactics and stay alive to see the end of the line.

WARNING: Farming EXP by manipulating or taking advantage of in-game glitches or exploits is a bannable offense. You may not use alt accounts for in-game currency either.

Controls can be viewed in keybind settings

AduriteMaster23 - Various weapon modelling
player_kolan - Model optimization
ioikiller101 - Assistant
SevenRascals - Arctic outfit clothing
pro100ker - Various thumbnails
MrPotato37463 - Music credits
just_Sandyy - Medic outfit clothing
isaac3523 - Veteran outfit
And many more contributors

Brought to you by Migato Creations: https://www.roblox.com/groups/12079514/Mi-gato-Creations