
[APE FORM] Dragon Soul | Anime MMO 🐲

Dragon Soul (DS)

[APE FORM] Dragon Soul | Anime MMO 🐲
CreatedServer SizeGenre

90% OFF APE FORM (SALE). x3 chances of Sayen Tail 1 -> 3%.

Code: "300klikes" (next at 400k)
Get almost any gamepass in 28 days through login rewards

🐲 Every 1k likes = a dragon ball spawns in all servers🐲
✅ Play with friends = get XP multiplier and level up faster ✅

🦍 UNLOCK Great Ape Form by getting the Sayen Tail🦍

🔥 Update | March 9
- 90% off Ape Form Gamepass & x3 chances for Tail
- New limited time wish: Beans
- Fix: Lag with LSSJ transform, Gigantic Burst SFX
- F2P change: Shattered orbs can now be merged
- Beast form released to devs only (in testing phase)

- M to open menu
- E to lock on a target
- R to transform / hold R to de-transform
- Click to punch
- C to charge ki
- F to block attacks
- Double space to fly (shift to fly faster, control to descend)
- V to ki blast
- Q after using moves to teleport behind your target

Open world , anime style + rpg + adventure + fighting game!
Game in DEMO (75%) (Public testing stage)
