
Fantasia πŸ‘‘

sheki studio

Fantasia πŸ‘‘
CreatedServer SizeGenre

Fantasia πŸ‘‘
.β€’Β° ✿ Β°β€’.

β˜†. β”Š Live in a castle that holds a ball every night!
β˜†. β”Š Vote for ball royalty!
β˜†. β”Š Customize your character to dress up your avatar for the dancing that awaits!
β˜†. β”Š Dance with your friends in your ballroom! πŸ’ƒ
β˜†. β”Š Take care of your hunger, hygiene, and energy by visiting rooms your staff prepares for you. πŸ›ŒπŸΌ
β˜†. β”Š Roleplay as apart of the royal family!
β˜†. β”Š Make memories and friends along the way! πŸŽ₯

Β°β€’. ✿ .β€’Β°
This game follows Roblox's guidelines and TOS. Fantasia is just focused on royal roleplay, living in a castle, and about ballroom dancing while attending a ball!
β”ŠJoin our group for updates on the game https://www.roblox.com/groups/7845702/sheki-studio#!/about β”Š

voice chat enabled, vc β˜†