
Glass Bridge But You're A Guard

EpicX Development

Glass Bridge But You
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🎭 Welcome to Glass Bridge But You're A Guard!

👋 Welcome, Guard! Your role is simple: watch over the Glass Bridge and keep an eye on the NPCs as they attempt to cross. 💥 But remember—only one wrong move, and it’s game over for them. 😱

⚔️ Keep an eye on the NPCs as they step cautiously on the fragile glass panels. One wrong move, and you'll hear the glass shatter beneath them. 🪶 As they fall, you’ll be the one to collect the bodies—sometimes even before anyone else can react. 🧹

💔 No mercy. No hesitation. Just a cold mask and your duty. 🕶️

💡 Your job is clear—make sure the game runs smoothly, and don’t let anyone survive if they make a mistake. 🍀

Tags: Squid Game, Squid Project, Light Game, Fish Game, Hexa Game, Red Light, Green Light!, Glass Game, Season 2

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