
Scary Tower Defense (BETA)


Scary Tower Defense (BETA)
CreatedServer SizeGenre
2021-01-2330All Genres


⭐Current Codes:
- Thanks150LIKES
- Thanks200LIKES
- Thanks250LIKES
- Thanks500LIKES
- Thanks100KVISITS
- Thanks1000FAVS

Next code at 1000 Likes

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👥 Join our game group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/13607809/ScareDefense#!/about
You will get + 250 cash at starting wave 👥

⚠️ This game is currently in alpha stage and there might be some bugs, if you encounter any bugs please report them in the community server ⚠️

( Ignore this )

Tags: Horror, Creepy, Scary, Tower Defense, Scary Tower Defense, Ghost, Spirit, Terror, Murder, Story, Multiplayer Horror, Jumpscares, Spooky, Horror Game, Fear, Ghostly, Monster, Devil, Panic, Labyrinth, Survive, Mansion, House, Game, Games, Explore, Exploration, Nature, Flashlight