
CHRISTMAS | Randomly Generated Droids


CHRISTMAS | Randomly Generated Droids
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Randomly Generated Droids is a procedurally-generated roguelike focused heavily on sword-fighting mechanics. Every run is different from the last: face several different Droids as you continually get stronger.

🤖 Battle over fifty enemy varieties as you travel through a series of fleshed-out worlds!
🎓 Various classes to unlock and purchase, with each directly influencing how you play the game!
⚔️ Over fifty weapons and a hundred items to experiment with as you fight your way to the end!
👥 You can play this game solo, or you can play with a party of up to four people!
📈 Is the game somehow too easy for you? Stack up ascension levels for a challenge!

Join the RGD Fans! group here: https://www.roblox.com/groups/5398551