
(UPDATE) Innovation Inc. Thermal Power Plant 🌋

Innovation Thermal Plant Division

(UPDATE) Innovation Inc. Thermal Power Plant 🌋
CreatedServer SizeGenre

Now an official Innovation game!

Located in [REDACTED], this active volcano facilitates the Innovation Inc. Thermal Power Plant. A refurbished power plant, which was converted into a vast research institute after the discovery of the A04 Magma Crystal. Fields of research range from standard scientific development to radiation, rocketry, theoretical physics, lasers, astronomy, robotics, genetics, and a vast spectrum of research into thermodynamics. Visitation tours are available for low-security areas.

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Game created by AnimeRiceFarmer
Current/past developers: GGshor, TheNexusAvenger, borobushe, Skyfall_Epsilon, CodedKryptics, theyard1, jmkd3v, gdadnh and 70night
Music Composer: Heathsroms2

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