
Check a User's Last Online Information [+ More!]


Check a User
CreatedServer SizeGenre
2018-07-246All Genres

*UPDATES: Fixes! Multiple outfit pages! New Item Purchase/Inspection page design! More soon!*

[⭐️🔥 FEATURES: All Outfits & components, Spawning Avatars/Outfits, Morphing, Voice Chat, Accessories, Chat Color, Groups, see new/lost friends, friends, exact Join Time, RAP, bios, & free private servers! 🔥⭐️]

In the game, you can check when anyone was last online - exact day & time. CHAT their username (NOT display name), CLICK/TAP on the red block, & the info will show. OR: click "More Info" on the top (you can search by User ID too!)
By default, the info is based on the USA Central Time Zone but you can change your zone using the menu, or even input your UTC offset!

FAQ: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/f/515452
Update Log: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/l/732523

In early 2017, for unknown reasons, the last online info (originally on the user search page) was removed. This game is the first & original Last Online Checker created. To report game issues/ideas, please PM me.