
Warm Isolation Remake


Warm Isolation Remake
CreatedServer SizeGenre

Welcome to the Warm Isolation remake.
Hold [Q] to check your watch btw.
Both BananJT and B44QL1 Owns this games, (shared ownership)
Your data saves for 10 minutes for the same exact server incase you crashed.

- Main System Scripter: B44QL1
- BananJT: Map Maker, Modeler, and Animator, Gui too* forgot (Huge thanks)

this version enhances the original Warm Isolation while maintaining its core essence. (kinda :/ )

People ask why did i remake the game and heres the anwser
- I didn't plan for this game to be popular, when it hit 1k players i got scared
tho overall, my dream was always becoming or having a popular game
the reason i made this game is since the original creator, Steven_Scripts finished his version and i wanted to add more rooms and i just wanted to improve my LuaU knowledge, overall im happy with the outcome some peope might not like the remake version but im happpy how it turned out.