
Flex Your FPS And Ping! ❄️🎄


Flex Your FPS And Ping! ❄️🎄
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Welcome to Flex Your FPS And Ping!

This is a simple hangout game with a twist! your fps is publically displayed above your head, completely exposing ur device's performance!

Find out what your MAX FPS is! : https://www.roblox.com/games/6438993656/What-Is-Your-Highest-Fps

Play my newest project! : https://www.roblox.com/games/133562652943637/Subwae

Heads up : your fps will not display any higher than 240 if you do not have an fps unlocker on, look up how to get one!

Update details:
- New fanart board

@DuckiGamesDev - Scripter, Head developer
@RTYQZ - scripter, owner
@Skill4free - Map Builder

⚠️We do not tolerate anything against the roblox TOS ingame, please follow the rules to prevent getting banned!⚠️

Ping, Fps, Flex, hangout, voicechat, facecam