Star Wars: Space Battle
Created | Server Size | Genre |
2014-07-24 | 32 | |
Good | Favorites | Visits |
92% | 330,309 | 22,200,000 |
Battle for space supremacy in the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War!
Spaceships originally programmed by Yup3600
Models and scripting by DrEgguin
Naboo N-1 and Ventress' Fanblade fighters by RobloxianFreedom
Rebel Pilot model and TIE Pilot vest model by CorpalBrandon
GR-75 transport and Gozanti-class cruiser models by Daniel on SketchFab
Weapon icons made in collab with IronGamer12435
WARNING: This game may lag on lower-end computers and on slow internet connections.
Also, this game is NOT made for VR.