
Gun and Armor Testing

Noob Head Productions

Gun and Armor Testing
CreatedServer SizeGenre

Welcome to Gun and Armor Testing! Here you can practice your fps skills, try out different armor, and test the performance of various guns and other weapons.

Left Click: Fire
Right Click: Aim
R: Reload
C: Crouch/Prone
X: Stand
V: Switch gun mode
Shift: Sprint
M: Inspect Mag
Z: Focus mode
H: Activate attachment 1
J: Activate attachment 2
[: Turn accuracy distance down
]: Turn accuracy distance up
Scroll (while aiming): Change sensitivity

Over 100+ guns to test!

Note: As this game is still in development, there may be bugs and glitches. Your feedback is significant in helping us improve the game!

Tags: Gun, FPS, ACS, Milsim, Tactical, Breach, Testing, Gun Testing, Armor, Range, Breach, Shooter, Gun Test, Armor Testing.