
[Live Vote Event!!!] Doors MinesEnd Testing

ENES Studıo

[Live Vote Event!!!] Doors MinesEnd Testing
CreatedServer SizeGenre

❤️ Join the ENES Studıo group for a free Revive!

❤️Thanks For 1 Million Visits Use Code: 1MVISITS

📜Update Log
-> Seek Worm Added
-> Hide Fixed
-> Hide Entity Added
-> Revive Gift Added
-> Now You Can Keep Revive(Until 15 seconds later)
-> Lockers Fixed
-> Guiding Light Hints Added
-> Seek Arm/Sludge AI Changed
-> Dam Seek Fixes
-> Dam Seek Sound/Music Fixes
-> Collision Bug Fixes

*You Can Support LSplash By Buying In-Game Ugcs (100% Going To LSplash)*

⚠️ Loud sounds, flashing lights ahead!
🎧 📷 Headphones & max graphics recommended

🛠️ Many things are subject to change, and some things may break.

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⭐This Game Is Made For Fun
❤️Thanks For Playing