
🚀 Rocketeers!


🚀 Rocketeers!
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🚀 Rocketeers is a Rocket Launcher fighting game with intense team combat, rocket jumping, parkour, and real time world destruction all in one place! Claim victory for your team and stand out with unlockable player cards and weapons.

⚡️ Gain and equip new Powerups to transform your style of attack!

ROCKET JUMP - Shoot at your feet. Jump for more height.
DOUBLE JUMP - Space/Tap strategically
WALLRUN - Run at a wall to automatically stick. Jump to hop off.
AIR DASH - Shift/Tap.
FREE MOUSE - 1/Tap to unequip your weapon.
Use code BOOM for free coins and a free Powerup!

⚠️ Rocketeers is in Beta! You may find bugs. Send us your feedback!
🖥 Programmed by Badcc and Critstyx.
🎨 Designed by asimo3089.