
🎩 The Kidnapper [Story]

Ekenie Games

🎩 The Kidnapper [Story]
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- Welcome to your new house. Mom isn't at home, She went to the grocery store. Neighbourhood is still New for you, you and 6 other players go outside to explore new places with your Big Bro. 🧸

New playground.. Yayy!.. But you know what happened in the playground? Exactly, nothing, the kidnappers invasion starts at midnight, Mom is still not home, kids are scared. Do everything to survive and to save your friends.

- Read Dialogue! 📋
- Volume UP for Best Experience! 🔊

- Eat Your supplies to get Health! 🍪
- Use your Money to buy Supplies! 💰

A Game By Ekenies!

- Inspired by Break in Story!