
Ant War 🐜


Ant War 🐜
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🐜 Multiple colonies of ants find themselves in the midst of each other and must eradicate the competition to secure the future of their colony!

⛏️ Dig to reach the enemy colonies and utilize mandibles, stingers and acid against enemy ants!

👑 You must eliminate the enemy queens to achieve victory.

🛠️ Version v1.216
- 🍯 Honeypot Ant Class
- 🐛 Larvae Looting
- Post Match Results for players who did the Most Damage, Most Healing, Most Digging, Most Looted Larvae
- Tunnel diorama overview of map on end of round
- Fungus blocks grow slower when timer is under 20 minutes
- DNA earning indicator
- Looter badge
- Fix minor & minim hitbox against bigger targets
- Fix team switch when one or more team(s) is eliminated
- Added brief class descriptions

Playable on PC 🖥️, Mobile 📱 and Console 🎮

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Insects | Bugs | PvP | Action | Fighting | Warfare | Combat | Battle