
Start Survey?


Start Survey?
CreatedServer SizeGenre

GAME OUT ON MY PROFILE (or just play till the end of the game, you will be prompted to be teleported to it)!

Inspired from "Start Survey?" by PixelDough.
Experience made by antvvnio. Assets are mine. Please don't steal!

You wake up to prepare going to work like always, but this time something different happens. Will you find the truth?

Mouse - Look
LMB - Interact
RMB - Zoom
Scroll - Spin Item
C - Enable Color

XBOX / PS Controls:
Right Thumbstick - Look
Y / Triangle - Interact
A / Cross - Answer with Yes
X / Square - Answer with No
Left Trigger - Zoom
DPad Right & Left - Spin Item
Left Thumbstick Click - Enable Color

New update:
- Changed textures
- Fixed some questions that were being weird.
- Removed Herobrine