
[Squid Games PT.1] SEC


[Squid Games PT.1] SEC
CreatedServer SizeGenre

📣 UPDATE V2.71: New animations and bugfixes!
No new particular features has been added, but I've fixed some glitches which you guys reported to me.
As this is part one of the update, more animations will come out in next part;

❗ New animations (2):
+ 5x30 6 mins (sound is copyrighted) [R15]
+ i've played these games before! [R6]

👋 Welcome to SEC! (formerly known as SerBand Emote Collection)
In this game, you can try out trending emotes and place your own skins on them!
Keep in mind, that this game is mainly focused on global / russian memes, but I hope you'll enjoy them!

🤔 Want me to do your favorite meme, which you really liked?
👍 Suggest the name of it on group wall / community server, and if its pretty cool, ill probably add it.

📜 All music names and respective owners has been written in-game. (you can see it when using emote)

🔨 game made by serband.