
[UPDATE 4] Meme Sea

Meme Sea Group

[UPDATE 4] Meme Sea
CreatedServer SizeGenre

🌊Welcome to Meme Sea🌊

🔨 This game is developed by a Solo Dev.
Updates may not be frequent, but I'll do my best to update the game as soon as possible!
Thank you all for your support!

🔰Current Level Cap: 2400

💰Join the Meme Sea Group to receive 10% in-game boost, including money, exp, and gems!
👑Premium players receive 25% in-game boost, including money, exp, and gems!
🤖Don't forget to join the community server to stay updated on the game updates and all codes.

🕹️Basic Controls
[Q] - Dash
[Spacebar] - Jump
[Ctrl] - Sprint
[T] - Race Ability
[R] - Flash Step
[E] - Instinct
[B] - Aura

🔥Current powers in the game:
Common: Fly, Invisible, and Bomb
Uncommon: Spin, Barrier, and Diamond
Rare: Flame, Paw, Ice, Gold, Water, Sand, Snow, and Moai
Legendary: Dark, Dog, Dough, and Floppa

- Powers spawn under the tree every hour and will despawn after 30 minutes.
- Meme Beasts spawn randomly in the sea every 30 minutes.
- Leaderboards will be automatically reset every 1 hour.