
Roblox Chat Simulator 2


Roblox Chat Simulator 2
CreatedServer SizeGenre
2021-02-0470All Genres

Welcome to Roblox Chat Simulator 2! In this game, communication is the main thing in it. Create your own servers and invite other players to chat on topics that interest you. ✏️

Each in-game server is customizable and allows you to create channels for different chat topics, member roles, custom emojis, and custom bots. You can create servers for your friends or just to meet new people - and customize them the way you like. 💡

Chatting in Roblox Chat Simulator 2 is easy and convenient - just use the chat that allows you to chat, share images, videos and music. This is a place where you can meet new friends, discuss topics that interest you and have fun. 🧮

📣 Any questions? Send me direct message. 📄

📣 Version History: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/1640559
📣 Mini-Guide: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/1786638
📣 Active Development Tasks: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/2622546