
Brookhaven 🏡RP

Wolfpaq Games

Brookhaven 🏡RP
CreatedServer SizeGenre

A place to hang out with like minded people and roleplay. Own and live in amazing houses, drive cool vehicles and explore the city. Be whoever you want to be in Brookhaven RP.

Latest Update:
🎥 New Movie Studio RP Set
🎬 New Movie Studio Tools
👽 New Movie Studio Props

Thanks for playing!

Private Server Benefits: No wait time for changing house. Spawn up to three vehicles plus horse and bike. Prop limit increased. Ability to change time, lighting and weather. Temporarily ban players from the server. Freecam for PC users.

Private Servers: To open private server controls you must be owner of a server & open settings on bottom left & click lock button. PC users left shift + P to toggle Freecam On/Off.